- Age
- Gender
- Racial or ethnic identity
- Food production in past year for the household (yes/no): gardening, wild plant gathering (foraging), fishing, hunting, and farming.
- Sharing of each of these food types outside the household (yes/no)
- Receipt of each of these food types from outside the household (yes/no)
- Types of wild plants consumed
- Types of game meat consumed
- Number of family members within 1-mile radius of home
- Number of people in household
- County and state where participant was raised
- Current zip code
- Number of years living in current community
- Household income for the past year
- Social capital measures:
- How "well-off" are you relative to other people in your community?
- 5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree-strongly agree) for 6 questions about community-level social capital:
- If there is a problem in my community, the people who live here work together to get it resolved (reverse-coded).
- People in the community where I live are only out for themselves.
- I am afraid of other people when I am alone after dark in my community.
- In my community, a small group of people have all the power.
- I feel like an outsider in my community
- There is nothing I can do to solve the problems in my community when they happen.